Our Business Protection Insurance Services

People are the most important part of any business. Your team’s skills and experience keep your business running smoothly. But what would happen if their expertise was lost?

The illness or death of a key employee can have a potentially disastrous impact on a business, such as:

  • Loss of profit
  • Reduced capacity
  • Loss of key contacts or clients
  • Reduced knowledge within the workforce
  • The recall of loans

Our experts will advise on putting the correct insurances in place and ensure that they are regularly reviewed to reflect your changing business.

Our aim is to make sure that you and your business are secure in the event that something should happen to you. We can make sure that your financial obligations and responsibilities are met without having to sell any of your assets, ensuring peace of mind.

“It is key to plan for the unexpected so that the business doesn’t falter, even if you or someone key does."

Our Financial Planning team will discuss and explore with you your particular circumstances, with the aim of developing a strategy so that appropriate arrangements and protection mechanisms are in place should anything untoward happen.

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Key person cover

If a crucial individual is not able to come to work, what happens? Is there a safety net?

We will advise on the best way to provide one. We can arrange the most appropriate security for your business to provide for emergency costs and, if necessary, temporarily or permanently replace people, protecting your business for the future.

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Key person cover Image

Tax efficient life cover

Life cover – what is it?

  • A policy that provides individual life assurance – for example to a salaried director.
  • Provided for the individual and paid for by the company.
  • Pays out a tax-free, lump sum on the death (or in circumstances where a ‘significant illness’ involves retirement) of the person insured.
  • The proceeds go to the employee's family or financial dependants.

Life cover – why have it?

To protect loved ones from financial worries, should the worst happen. You insure your car; shouldn’t you insure your most valuable asset – yourself.

It is also a tax efficient benefit which can be offered to business owners and employees.

Why think about it?

  • It provides the opportunity for smaller companies to offer a death-in-service benefit to its employees (including salaried directors).
  • Offering life and ‘significant illness’ cover demonstrates how much your business cares about the well - being of your employees, which can be useful in both recruitment and retention.

It’s an important financial planning solution for:

Small businesses

Often small business don’t have enough employees to be able to offer a group scheme. However, relevant life cover can be on an individual basis. Therefore, a small business can take advantage of the tax efficiencies generally enjoyed by larger companies.

Shareholder Protection

The death of a shareholder can shake the foundation of a business. Uncertainty or even disputes over how the business continues can cause long-term instability.

We develop strategies to allow shareholders to purchase or dispose of holdings belonging to the deceased shareholder. By surveying the whole of the market, we can implement cost-effective cover to provide interim stability and business continuity.

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Shareholder Protection Image

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